
Small Group Instructional Feedback (SGIF)

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Fall SGIF: September 16- October 16, 2024


What is the SGIF? 

SGIF is a formative mid-course check-in process for gathering information from students on their learning experience. The process is designed to foster communication and dialogue between students and instructors so that learning objectives and outcomes can be met successfully.

The ILC can conduct an SGIF with your face to face, remote, hybrid, blended and fully online courses.

Educational Value

SGIF offers faculty:

  • A low risk opportunity to measure how their instructional planning and teaching techniques are working
  • A feedback opportunity before regular end of semester faculty evaluation (Student Perceptions of Instruction survey)
  • A mechanism for gauging student responses to instructional changes or innovations
  • A facilitated mechanism to open a dialogue on learning with students

SGIF provides students with an opportunity to:

  • Have their voice be heard
  • Reflect on their role in the learning process
  • Present their thoughts on what works or doesn’t work in the course/class
  • Suggest changes or improvements to the course

Getting Started

Fill out the request form for an SGIF to:

  • Set up a consultation meeting (or phone call or video conference)
  • Review the process
  • Identify any specific areas for feedback
  • Establish times and dates for the class session

More Information

The SGIF is a three-phase process.

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sgif process:  facilitator-instructor consultation meeting, facilitator students discussion, and then the facilitator instructor debriefing.  Contact us at the ILC to discuss the steps more in depth

  1. A facilitator – instructor consultation meeting
  2. A facilitated classroom event where small group of students discuss and build consensus on 3 questions focused on the learning experience 
    • What is going well in this course so far?
    • Do you have specific suggestions that could help improve your learning?
    • What other comments do you have about the learning environment?
  3. A post classroom debrief between facilitator and instructor to review SGIF results


Student and instructor response to the SGIF have been positive. Students have expressed greater satisfaction with the SGIF method than with the traditional evaluation form at the end of the term. They appreciate the teacher's awareness of student concerns and the mid-course timing, which provides opportunity for changes to affect them. Instructors appreciate the personal interaction & supportive interpretation by a colleague, as well as the data, which are helpful in considering changes.

We can perform SGIF sessions on face-to-face classes, blended, and fully online courses. Blended and online courses will require additional consultation with ILC staff.


  • Diamond, Miriam Rosalyn. (2004), The Usefulness of structured mid-term feedback as a catalyst for change in higher education classes. Active Learning in Higher Education; Nov2004, Vol. 5 Issue 3, p217-231, 15p.
  • Millis, B. (1999). Three practical strategies for peer consultations. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 79, 19-28.
  • Crow, R., McGinty, D., LeBaron, J. (2008). The Online Small Group Analysis (OSAG): Adapting a Tested Formative Assessment Technique for Online Teaching. MountainRise, the International Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Summer (1-19).