function [ output_args ] = fret_rescaling_reslicing_colormap_functions( turquoise, venus, draq5, NumberImages, scale, frequencyX, frequencyY, frequencyZ, resliced_directory, smoothing, iterations, steps, reduc, threshold) %%=====================Turquoise and Venus Smoothing======================== %%Smooth Turquoise and Venus with "Smooth3" function turquoise = double(turquoise); %convert to double venus = double(venus); %convert to double %% smoothing algorithems %gaussian if smoothing == 1 turquoise= smooth3(turquoise,'gaussian'); %takes doubles venus = smooth3(venus,'gaussian'); %takes doubles end % 2d slice if smoothing == 2 turquoise = aniso_2d_slices(turquoise,iterations, steps, reduc, 'Turquoise '); venus = aniso_2d_slices(venus,iterations, steps, reduc, 'Venus '); end % 3d long if smoothing == 3 turquoise = anisodiff3d(turquoise, iterations, steps, reduc, 2, [1 1 1]); venus = anisodiff3d(venus, iterations, steps, reduc, 2, [1 1 1]); end % 3d fast if smoothing == 4 turquoise = fast_anisodiff3d(turquoise, iterations, steps, reduc, 2, [1 1 1]); venus = fast_anisodiff3d(venus, iterations, steps, reduc, 2, [1 1 1]); end turquoise = uint16(turquoise); %turns to 16 bit class venus = uint16(venus); %turns to 16 bit class %% %=====================Find Threshold============================== % %=====================Turquoise and Venus Stretching======================= function [ ImageNEW ] = stretch(Image,scaling) %"Image is just turquoise or venus stack Image = permute(Image,[1 3 2]); %132,213,231,312,321 num_images = length(Image(1, 1, :)); [M,N] = size(Image(:, :, 1)); ImageNEW = imrotate(zeros(M,ceil(N.*scaling),num_images),-90); for K=1:num_images %Slicing on X plane; must rotate if sliced on x plane ImagePass = imrotate(Image(:, :, K),-90); %rotate image 90 degrees clockwise %stretch the image [x,y] = size(ImagePass); toScale = x.*scaling; ImageNEW(:,:,K) = imresize(ImagePass,[toScale y]); end ImageNEW = permute(ImageNEW,[3 2 1]); ImageNEW = imrotate(ImageNEW,90); end turquoise = stretch(turquoise,scale); venus = stretch(venus,scale); draq5 = stretch(draq5,scale); %=================FRET Calculations and Masking============================ %Convert images to double turquoiseAsDouble=double(turquoise); venusAsDouble=double(venus); draq5AsDouble=double(draq5); [mImage,nImage,oImage] = size(turquoise); FRETOut = zeros(mImage,nImage,oImage,'uint16'); %Make mask from turquoise + venus and apply it to the FRETimage thresholdTV = turquoise + venus; %This is for dilation/erosion of the following masks seClose = 5; seClose = strel('disk',seClose,0); maxthresholdTV = max(thresholdTV,[],3); %find max Thershold maxthresholdTV = multithresh(maxthresholdTV)*threshold; Waitbar_Handle = waitbar(0,'Please wait...','Name','Waiting...'); for K=1:oImage waitbar(K/oImage,Waitbar_Handle,sprintf(strcat('"FRETing "',num2str(K/oImage*100),'%'),K,oImage)) %Venus and Turquoise for a slice venus1=venus(:,:,K); turquoise1=turquoise(:,:,K); %thresholdTV = multithresh(thresholdTVTemplate); maskTV1 = thresholdTV(:,:,K) > maxthresholdTV; %make the mask maskTV1 = imfill(maskTV1,'holes'); %fill in the holes maskTV1 = imclose(maskTV1,seClose); %dilate and erode maskTV1 = imfill(maskTV1,'holes'); %fill in the holes again %FRET(~finalMaskTV_2) = 0; %apply the mask to FRET image %Make mask for DRAQ5 in order to remove it from FRET image midSlice = floor((oImage)./2); thresholddraq5 = draq5(:,:,midSlice); thresholddraq5 = multithresh(thresholddraq5); thresholddraq5 = draq5AsDouble(:,:,K) > thresholddraq5; %make the mask thresholddraq5 = imfill(thresholddraq5,'holes'); %fill in the holes thresholddraq5 = bwareaopen(thresholddraq5, 300);%remove small objects from DRAQ5 (Use to 1500 initially) thresholddraq5 = imclose(thresholddraq5,seClose); %dilate and erode thresholddraq5 = imfill(thresholddraq5,'holes'); %fill in the holes again %FRET(finalMaskDraq5_2) = 0; %apply the mask to FRET image %Mask total finalMaskdraq_inv = ~thresholddraq5; binaryMaskTotalFinal = maskTV1.*finalMaskdraq_inv; %remove objects smaller than specified size from finalmask binaryMaskTotalFinal = ~binaryMaskTotalFinal; binaryMaskTotalFinal = bwareaopen(binaryMaskTotalFinal, 500);%remove small holes binaryMaskTotalFinal = ~binaryMaskTotalFinal; binaryMaskTotalFinal = bwareaopen(binaryMaskTotalFinal, 500);%remove small objects %FRET equation is taken from Vigel, % 17.128 is correction factor calculated using Turquoise and Venus extinction coeffiencts @ 405 excitation FRET = binaryMaskTotalFinal.*((venus1-turquoise1)./(turquoise1.*17.128+venus1).*(2.^16)); %Convert back to uint16 FRETOut(:,:,K) = uint16(FRET); %save masks outputFileName1 = strcat(resliced_directory,'\MASK_TV.tif'); imwrite(maskTV1,outputFileName1, 'WriteMode', 'append', 'Compression','none'); outputFileName1 = strcat(resliced_directory,'\MASK_DRAQ5.tif'); imwrite(thresholddraq5,outputFileName1, 'WriteMode', 'append', 'Compression','none'); outputFileName1 = strcat(resliced_directory,'\MASK_TOTAL_FINAL.tif'); imwrite(binaryMaskTotalFinal,outputFileName1, 'WriteMode', 'append', 'Compression','none'); end close(Waitbar_Handle) %% %=========================Reslicing and Saving============================= function [ satCount] = reslicing(Image,reslicing_directory,plane,frequency,name) new_directory=strcat(reslicing_directory,'\',num2str(frequency),'px','Resliced_',plane,name); mkdir(new_directory); ImageNEW = []; if 1 == strcmp('X',plane) %strcmp returns 1 for true, 0 for false Image = imrotate(permute(Image,[3 1 2]),90); %132-good (213,231, rotate 321 bottom-top) num_images = ceil(length(Image(1, 1, :))./frequency); [M,N] = size(Image(:, :, 1)); ImageNEW = imrotate(zeros(M,N,num_images),-90); end if 1 == strcmp('Y',plane) %strcmp returns 1 for true, 0 for false Image = imrotate(permute(Image,[2 3 1]),-90); %321-good (213,) num_images = ceil(length(Image(1, 1, :))./frequency); [M,N] = size(Image(:, :, 1)); ImageNEW = zeros(M,N,num_images); end if 1 == strcmp('Z',plane) num_images = ceil(length(Image(1, 1, :))./frequency); [M,N] = size(Image(:, :, 1)); ImageNEW = zeros(M,N,num_images); end depth=length(Image(1, 1, :)); satCount = [];%declare array for recording over and under saturation count for each image Waitbar_Handle = waitbar(0,'Please wait...','Name','Waiting...'); for K=1:frequency:depth waitbar(K/depth,Waitbar_Handle,sprintf(strcat('Reslicing'),K,depth)) %must rotate if sliced on x plane if 1 == strcmp('X',plane) %strcmp returns 1 for true, 0 for false ImageNEW(:, :, K) = imrotate(Image(:, :, K),-90); %rotate image 90 degrees clockwise waitbar(K/depth,Waitbar_Handle,sprintf(strcat('Reslicing X'),K,depth)) end if 1 == strcmp('Y',plane) ImageNEW = Image; waitbar(K/depth,Waitbar_Handle,sprintf(strcat('Reslicing Y'),K,depth)) end if 1 == strcmp('Z',plane) ImageNEW = Image; end [M,N] = size(ImageNEW(:,:,1)); maskFRET = double(ImageNEW(:, :, K))./2.^16; addedValues = 0.0; n = 0; %count the number of added values for j = 1:M for k = 1:N if maskFRET(j,k)>0 addedValues = addedValues + maskFRET(j,k); n = n + 1; end end end addedValues./n; if strcmp(name,'FRET') %if FRET image, apply colormap before saving [FRETColor,overSat,overSatFrac,underSat,undrSatFrac] = grs2rgb(ImageNEW(:,:,K),0.60,0); %third parameter is R or A for Relative or Absolute imwrite(FRETColor,strcat(new_directory,'\',num2str(K),'.tif'),'tif'); imwrite(uint16(ImageNEW(:,:,K)),strcat(new_directory,'\RawFRET_',num2str(K),'.tif'),'tif'); else %else save as normal imwrite(ImageNEW(:, :, K),strcat(new_directory,'\',num2str(K),'.tif'),'tif'); end end end reslicing(FRETOut,resliced_directory,'X',frequencyX,'FRET'); reslicing(FRETOut,resliced_directory,'Y',frequencyY,'FRET'); reslicing(FRETOut,resliced_directory,'Z',frequencyZ,'FRET'); end